Hello, we are Rana & Ali.
What We Do
My son Ali and I create custom made unique arabesque art! All unique pieces by infusing modern art and embracing Levantine culture!
Our Collections
About Us
My name is Rana and I am a mother of three wonderful boys. My middle son Ali has suffered from a complicated pregnancy and delivery, resulting in global delayed development.
After working hard for many years, he graduated from High School. Although he was eager to join the workforce and become a producing member of society, his special needs prevented him from doing that.
A Mother's Journey with Her Special Needs Son
In a world of endless possibilities, each child's journey is uniquely their own. As parents, our role is to guide, nurture, and empower our children to discover their hidden talents....
The young man behind it...
We all have a hidden talent and individuals with special needs are no different but their gift comes wrapped in challenges and struggles. They too have a special talent hidden...
And the young man behind it..
We all have a hidden talent and individuals with special needs are no different but their gift comes wrapped in challenges and struggles. They too have a special talent hidden...